Monday, December 22, 2014

Businesses focused on wrong goals may need data recovery Efforts

External Hard Disk Recovery
How can a business cripple their own production, delivery, and cause the need for trained data recovery specialist to recover data off a failed hard disk drive? Bad decisions about outsourcing may cause up to two-thirds of the data breaches in 2013. The Security Firm, Trustwave investigated 450 global database breaches and found that a third-party was responsible for the IT support system administration in 63 percent of the cases. What caused the breach in some cases? Investigators discovered a third-party IT system support “expert” introduced introduction deficiencies. Hackers used those to their advantage and managed, in some cases, to steal sensitive data.

Why conclusions can be made as a result of Trustwave’s investigation? Here is what we have learned:

  • While it is not necessarily right to think all outsourcing is bad, it may be a strong indication that the organisation involved has made some bad IT outsourcing decisions.
  • As a general rule, those organisations which are breached may not be doing all they can to ensure data is protected. Those third parties that companies work with may not provide adequate protection to ensure there are no data breaches. Sometimes, third parties do not care as deeply about the breaches.
  • How can IT professionals ensure they have a good third-party to protect their sensitive data?
  • When working with a third party, costs and service level agreements may be discussed. But, rarely do parties discuss security measures and what happens if one or either party suffers a data loss and needs external hard drive data recovery or internal hard drive data recovery. 
What can companies and organisations do to keep their data truly safe and not just have a data loss recovery plan which looks good on paper? The first step may be to stop trusting those third-party securities IT specialist as much or as deeply. Many small business owners may not have the IT knowledge needed to discern if a third-party is following all security requirements or what requirements are needed to avoid a data breach. However, merchants should choose experts for third-party IT specialists who are knowledgeable about security measures and trustworthy.  If businesses actively know the risks that working with their third-party suppliers posed, they may be better able to decrease the risks.

Isn’t it nice to an IT specialist to consult with? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at:

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