Monday, December 22, 2014

Why data recovery may be more important to small business Owners

HDD Data Recovery UK
Some business owners may be right to worry that their weak passwords and third-party plug-ins could be the cause of a security breach.  Can any small business owner afford to be relaxed about backing up their data or not having a strong data recovery plan? Systems used for data recovery, such as a Raid system, can be hacked. No security system is 100 percent safe.  In 2012, cybercrime against small businesses increased 54 percent. How do you know that tools on your security system or common vulnerabilities on your business computer aren’t a calling card to hackers? Eight-five percent of business owners reported this is how hackers carried out their attacks on their accounts.

Business owners may think they cannot afford good security equipment, but not getting proper equipment may cause business to pay more for data recovery. What other reasons can lead to a security breach. Even if business owners opt for cheaper security measures, they may be opening themselves to have their most sensitive data hacked. Cheaper security systems can be static.  They may not be equipped to handle the ever-changing hackers who come up with new tricks to outsmart unsuspecting computer users.

Are online businesses an easier Target?

Startup Britain reported 500,000 new businesses were started in 2013. Small businesses may be an easier target because business owners have limited budgets; they lack resources or security systems to effectively protect their startups and established businesses. They do not have the IT professionals to fix problems before small businesses see their data compromised or stolen.

What are the best ways small business owners can protect their data from hackers online attacks?  Did you know being proactive with your computer data may be the best way to protect sensitive data?

  • Install a firewall. Firewalls prevent hackers from finding a hole in your security system. Is it worth paying for a professional firewall and having an expert install it? It may be worth the cost because it may be cheaper than having to pay for data recovery following a cyber-attack.
  • Use a strong password. Passwords are essential for small business owners to keep sensitive customer data safe. Passwords that use a combination of letters and numbers are going to be stronger and help keep your computer data safe.
  • Don’t allow a computer program or a browser to store your passwords.
  • Use anti-virus and anti-malware software to protect your customer data.  By having an anti-malware program, this may save you from having your computer compromised .A hacker’s can send malware and corrupted data to your computer.
  • Review server logs and block suspicious IP addresses.
  • Business owners and webmasters should regularly check outbound links on a server.
  • Back up your data regularly and change your password from often. This will keep hackers from being able to guess your password and hack into your system. This may be essential in case your data is stolen and your system is attacked. 

Have you ever had to pay someone to recover hard drive files after your computer encountered a virus? Do you know that fake donation letter from that aunt you don’t know may be harbouring a virus instead? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at:

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