Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Why freezing a hard drive isn’t going to get you your data faster

Data Recovery Specialist
Some so-called experts recommend putting your data in the freezer in the freezer to recover data from a failed internal or external hard drive. Once it starts to click, experts recommend putting the drive in a zip lock bag. To protect the drive from the cold, “experts” recommend placing a drive in two or three plastic bags. Sticking a hard drive in the freezer for three hours will not help retrieve data for any laptop hard drive or desktop computer hard drive.

Why is this method of recovering data not the best way to get data off a failing hard drive? The cold is not kind to hard drives. Even if your hard drive manages to avoid being encased in ice, there is also another reason why this “trick” isn’t a reliable way to get your files back. There are better ways to protect your data so that you can retrieve your files. Did you know that the cold can cause condensation to form on the disk heads?  This also means that the cold can cause the read/write heads to corrode faster because they have gotten wet.

Possibly only minutes to retrieve Data

It is better to consult a data recovery loss expert and skip the freezer. Putting a driver in freezer exposes the metal heads to condensation and water can cause those heads to fail. Can you get the files off your computer in minutes after you pull a drive out of the freezer? If you cannot, you lose your files and there is no possibility of retrieving files. Once a drive gets wet, even data recovery specialists cannot reverse the process to retrieve files. It is adios to your hard drive.  Once thawed, data on any hard drive is not retrievable.

Though some people swear by this unconventional method, you may be better off taking your failing hard drive to a professional first.  If a data loss recovery specialist cannot recover any data loss, then you can try the freezer trick. Why is it hard to retrieve data, if you drive isn’t harmed by condensation, freezing can certainly make a hard drive useless. The cold from the freezer will cause data heads to shrink. This is why retrieving data can be problematic, at best. You may not be able to copy files that you need to save data.

Five ways kernel errors on a hard drive may require the help of a pro

Data Recovery Specialist
Did you know that the kernel dll file in your computer is an important file? One mistake in this file and your computer may stop operating correctly. Why is a kernel dll file so important? This file on your computer is in many ways the backbone of your computer operations. Here are five advantages gain by having a correctly operating kernel file.

  • A kernel dll file may need updates. Without these updates out-of-date kernel dll files may cause errors. They also can leave gaps that will leave your computer vulnerable to security flaws. These flaws, if not closed, may give a hacker access to your computer’s most sensitive files.
  • Old kernel files can also cause stability issues. Did you know that these stability issues can cause your system to crash? But should you constantly update a kernel file? If you have never run a kernel file before, how can you tell if it will work? If you have never used it, there may a slim margin it won’t work, but this issue far outweighs the overall reason for needing a kernel update.
  • Data loss can be caused from not having updated drivers with a kernel dll file. Did you know that with a kernel update also includes open source drivers? There may be an update from time to time that includes new functions from an update from a kernel file.
  • A kernel update may also increase the speed of your computer overall. Some changes may be very subtle, but others can make a big difference to your system. Is there cores that say your computer is running a CPU of zero in the task manager. On some types of systems, a kernel update can get rid of the zero CPU listings.

It is best to have a professional take care of these issues with your kernel dll file because you can cause damage to your computer. If you do not have experience with kernel files, you can cause more damage to your computer’s files and you can affect your operating system. This is why you should take your computer to a data recovery specialist to restore accidently erased kernel files, or kernel files that need updating.

Making sense of the code: Three reasons why IT professionals should recover lost data

PC Data Recovery
A computer may seem simple. Today’s machines can be bought in-store and are already designed to run Internet Explorer out of the box. They will also be pre-configured with a hard drive waiting to store your files. But, data storage and data recovery (if something happens to the files) isn’t that simple.

Why shouldn’t you attempt your own data recovery? Did you know today’s hard drives aren’t just made of a single magnetic head or platter. Hard drives are comprised of several disks and the heads to write data may be damage by abrupt jostling. The concentric rings that data is stored on, known as cylinders, may also become damaged. These cylinders can also be subdivided into sectors or blocks. Why is data loss so complicated to understand? In order to address a sector or cylinder, it may require an algorithm known as the logical addressing algorithm. It may also mean you need a firm understanding of what happens when you want to write 10-20 bytes of data, but the computer instead reads or writes the full 512 bytes.

Which records do you need?

This question may be one that only a certified data recovery specialist can answer.  Many employees who are not IT professionals may not know how to look into the Master Boot Record and it can found in the first logical addressing algorithm or LBA.  It is usually found in the first of these drives. But, how do you know if these files are bootable? If you find the LBA, you will know the drive is bootable.  If it is missing, the drive may not be able to be accessed.

Amateurs may not know about file systems. These file systems are determined by using an algorithm. Did you know the algorithm tells the computer where to store files and how much memory should be used to store records? The trick is retrieving files from your computer. It is best to take the files to a professional who knows whether your files are stored in a NTFS or a FAT32  drive. These files can become corrupted and then files are not recognisable by the computer’s hard drive.  Corrupted files may also keep programs on your computer from being able to open files needed.

Did you know distortion can also keep your files from easily being accessed?  Since the files must be searched in a NTFS or FAT32 drive that cannot be accessed, it may take the skill of a professional to help your OS function correctly. However, many computer owners may not know if a files system is a NTFS or FAT32 drive and without knowing which is which, there is no way files can be retrieved. An untrained professional also may not understand the need for Volume Boot Record, which tells the computer which drive partition to search in order to find much needed records.

Do you know how to access an NTFS or FAT32 to see how much memory is being consumed by your drives? Have you ever had corrupted files in either of these drives?  At Swansea Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. We can help you recover lost data from internal and external hard disk drives. 

Hello, hackers: Why firmware may open the way for backdoors and poor encryption

Everyone loves technology, right? There are smart houses that allow homeowners to turn off and on appliances without even being home. But, did you know that the computer chip that powers all that technology to turn on devices in your home may put you in greater risk of having your personal information stolen? What many homeowners do not know is that the firmware contained on a system on-chip that can be used by other embedded devices. However, did you know that this firmware also opens the door to poor encryption practices and allows hackers to access software on for devices?

It may not matter that some of this software may be the only program available for a hacker to gain access to a webcam, microphone, printer, router or fax machine. How safe is a web camera that was just purchased? In one study, a technology-focused graduate school developed a web crawler to obtain more than 30,000 images from manufacturers’ websites, after they listed webcams for sale.

What were the main issues that made webcams security Hazards?

Is your website really secure? One reason why hackers were able to successfully access firmware is that the encryption mechanisms failed to operate correctly Websites were not encrypted, as specified. Out of the more 123 products tested, 38 were found to have security risks and vulnerabilities needed to be fixed. What leads to products having security flaws and allowing hackers into critical systems?

  • Being first and cheap is not a good combination. In a bid to be the first new product on a shelf, manufacturers will rush consumer products on the market. But, did you know that cheap and first does not necessarily mean you have a quality product that will keep your sensitive information safe from hackers?
  • Is the business offering the firmware up-to-date on all the latest security practices? It is better to get updates and patches on a regular, frequent schedule. By installing automatically, a patch can protect a computer from viruses and hackers.
  • Has the company offering the firmware tested their product to insure that it is not flawed and then distributed into firmware that is sold in different products on the Internet
  • Different firmware images use digital certificates to enable encryption. But, it does not mean that these certificates in firmware are always safe. Some hackers have gained access by having self-signed certificates that were using a private RSA encryption code. Did you know that of the 35,000 devices that were found online, they were using less than secure certificates?

Best ways to avoid losing SSL data to hackers and needing Mac hard drive Recovery

Laptop Hard Drive Recovery
Many computer users who simply interact with their computer’s interface may not have any need to ever consider SSL options or secure socket layers. Most people may not think about how secure their SSL is until it is exposed to flaws and hacked. How can you keep your laptop hard drive save from a hacker and keep from paying a professional to perform laptop hard drive recovery?

One of the best ways is to have an encrypted link between your computer and servers. By having this encrypted link, hackers cannot steal data that is en route to its destination and possibly redirect you to a new website in the process. Many times when people lose information on a hard disk, they do not need hard disk data recovery solely because information may be truly lost. Rather, they may have had a hacker access the information, change passwords, and they have no access except to have a professional perform a hard disk data recovery on the hard drive.

Stopping phishing and man in the middle Attacks

If you have never had to have laptop hard drive recovery because of a SSL breach, you may not realise how vulnerable your computer is. Computers need regular updates in order to be protected from serious breaches that may hamper Mac hard drive recovery. What are the best ways for any business or homeowner to protect a single computer or network so they do not need a laptop hard drive recovery?

  • Avoid those untrusted networks. They are untrusted for a reason. One of the best ways to make certain you are connecting a safe network connection is only to go to networks that you trust and that have secure site. A good network will have sort of encryption. This measure helps to ensure your most sensitive information stays safe.
  • Get a good antivirus program. Not all antivirus programs on the market do the same thing, nor do they all offer the same perks. It is best to get a antivirus protection program that has a good reputation and has gotten many recommendations. Does the antivirus program offer you the ability to backup your files to a cloud, in addition to saving them online? This is something you want to look for before you need hard disk or Mac hard drive data recovery

Has your company had an incident in the last six months that has caused problems with your network and facilitated the need for data recovery from a hard drive? Isn’t it nice to know that even if you have a smaller company, you do not have to worry if you do lose sensitive data? A data recovery professional can assist you by performing data recovery from a hard drive, without charging exorbitant fees. 

Hot swap or cold swapping, what is best for saving UK businesses Money?

Raid Data Recovery
With any Raid system, it isn’t unusual to find a hard drive that fails. However, many times, a Raid 3 server may not signal when it is going to fail and leave you scrambling to find someone who can perform data recovery from a hard drive. Whether you need a professional who does data recovery for Mac or not, it may be best to whether it is possible to do a cold swap on a Raid system long before you need Raid data recovery.

Sometimes, Raid systems may not be equipped with a hot standby and a hot swap may be a lifesaver for some UK companies. A hot swap may keep a UK company from losing valuable data and having to call a professional to perform Raid data recovery or offer hard drive data recover options.

Is a cold swap a better Option?

UK businesses, especially smaller ones, may not have the IT personnel to perform hot or warm swaps on their Raid systems. A cold swap may have to be done at the cost of shutting down a business’s operations until a swap can be made. Will sensitive data still be lost and Mac data recovery be needed? It may depend on if a company owner has a backup disk to cover files, in case a Raid system does malfunction and a virus affects Raid drivers.

Some business owners may realise hot swap or warm swap options may be better than a complete cold swap of a Raid system. Did you know that being out of operation only half a day can cause UK businesses to lose thousands of pounds? This is why a cold swap of any Raid system may cost a UK business owner more than they realise.  It also may mean a company may need a Mac data recovery budget in order to restore sensitive data lost if a Raid system has a failing drive.  Many business owners may not have duplicate drives to replace those Raid servers when they do fail and need a professional to perform Raid data recovery. Does it matter if you need data recovery for a hard drive and you are using a Mac with a Raid system? Depending on your Raid system, some systems may not operate well with some equipment being a Mac and other hardware being made for PCs. It may be best to ask a Raid system manufacturer before you buy a specific Raid model, manufactured by a certain company. It is best to ask before a professional must do data recovery from a hard drive and discover your system is not compatible with some hardware and software options.  No one wants to pay more for Raid system that isn’t operating correctly.

Isn’t it nice to know that even if you have a smaller company, you do not have to worry if you do lose sensitive data? A data recovery professional can assist you by performing data recovery from a hard drive, without charging exorbitant fees.

Choosing the best file storage option using SSD or HDD

Data Recovery From Hard Drive
If they both perform the same function, it may not be easy to tell which is better for file storage. However, there is a marked difference between solid state drives and hard disk drives. For example, a SSD may be much more expensive, in the £250 range, compared to a £50 HDD. Some people may ask why so much before they are willing to fork over the money for such an expensive storage option. It may help to know the advantage of where your pounds may be going.

Hands down, SSD is a better option if a business needs speed for their computers. A computer running on a SSD will boot in under a minute? It also is not considered the “base” to have at least a SSD with no less than 500 GB of data storage. For some, this may make SSD not a very affordable storage option. However, if a business can afford getting an SSD, it may benefit them more. Unlike a hard disk drive, the computer does not have to run peripherals before starting. These can slow down an operating system and lead to possibly making it easier to lose data through hackers or accidental data loss.

The advantages of having the noisiest Computer

While there are some computers that have more SSD storage than HDD storage, companies are still experimenting with solid state drives. The good news is usually the noisier the computer, it may mean a faster hard drive. Because the hard drive platters must spin, more noise may mean the hard disk drive is spinning at a higher rate of speed. But, you cannot judge by sound alone. A computer also may have gotten banged around and a damaged hard disk drive can create a large amount of noise.

An SSD may have a slight advantage in this regard because there are no moving parts to a solid state drive, so they are the quietest drives. Because they spin, it is hard to make HDD too small; however, some computer manufacturers have begun to use drives without moving parts in their computers. This may explain the number of slimmer laptops and tablets on the market. However, SSD still has its disadvantages. It can only be written over a few times, thanks to TRIM technology that optimises read/write cycles. If you do not care about cost or fragmentation, SSD is a better option over HDD. However, it also may be a more rugged option over a HDD because it has no moving parts that will wear out.

Monday, December 29, 2014

In one ear, out the other: UK Smartphone users easy Targets

External Hard Drive Data Recovery
According to one government report, it pays well to rob UK residents of phone, containing email and whole host of other information. Theft in these areas has risen a 114% in only four years, from 2004 to 2008. Since identity theft has enables thieves to commit other crimes, it has risen more than 60% since 2012.

There have been more than 129,000 victims of fraud in 2013. What are thieves most likely to target? Thieves love your plastic; up nearly 90% hackers are using credit cards and draining your funds to make purchases online. But online purchases aren’t the only way thieves are using identity information. Fraudulent loans also increased 55 pct. in the last year. With a record number of 600 fraud cases being reported daily, how can organisations and UK residents keep their personal data safe from prying, unintended eyes?

Smartphone users need to be aware of Risks

A survey by Ovum found 29% of phone users used their phones in the office for business tasks without checking to see if it was approved according to company policy. How can a simple action cause a company to spend billions of pounds because they need external hard drive recovery or Apple data recovery?

Business data can be easily compromised if employees do not safeguard access to sensitive data. Should employees be allowed to use personal devices in the workplace? With the threat of malware, businesses may need to set strict policies and enforce them in order to keep sensitive data safe. According to a 2011 report by Global Security Insights in Mobile, hackers are using voice commands, emails, text messages, multimedia messages and text messages. By having strict policies in place, companies may cut down data losses by being proactive when it comes to hackers. It also may help companies IT teams not to have to worry about a professional needing to do Apple data recovery or external hard drive recovery because sensitive information has been stolen and safeguard settings changed on a network.

What are the best ways to protect your personal data on your Smartphone? 

  • Stop linking your phone account to other accounts, such as Facebook or other online accounts. By not linking accounts, thieves have less opportunity to hack into your computer and steal other pieces of data.
  • Turn it off. When not in use, it is easy to hit the off button on your phone. It is smart to shut off all electronics when not using them and turn off your wi-fi. Thieves won’t have open access to personal data or company data stored on a personal computer.
  • Encrypt messages. Though encryption is everywhere, it still does help to protect your sent data. Look into also getting a malware program to scan sent and received programs. No need to open an infected file on your Smartphone and give hackers control.

Has your company had an incident in the last few months that has caused problems with your network and facilitated the need for data recovery from a hard drive? Isn’t it reassuring to know that even if you have a smaller company, you do not have to worry if you do lose sensitive data? A data recovery professional can assist you by performing data recovery from a hard drive, without charging exorbitant fees. 

Too hot to handle: why high heat can hinder Raid recovery Efforts

Data Recovery Specialists
Have you ever wondered what happens to your Raid data systems if they must withstand heat from a fire? The heat may be enough to cause the data on virtual drives to become irretrievable. But, it isn’t only the heat that can do the most damage to a hard disk drive. The film, from the smoke that sets on a hard disk drive, may make it hard to access information on the drive. What is the danger from even a little smoke? Smoke may cause circuit boards to short out prematurely because the smoke film coating acts as an insulator. It can cause components to overheat quickly and cause premature failure.

It isn’t only the smoke film that is dangerous. Particles in smoke are extremely corrosive and may cause oxidizing on a hard disk drive. Should a company buy equipment from a business that has had a fire? There is a danger in getting equipment that won’t function properly or be a reliable backup for data files because of excessive pitting and danger of overheating.

Could fires back the need for off-site data Recovery?

A business owner may have adequate equipment to back up daily files and also do incremental saves of data. If a business owner has four take backups off-site and one backup drive onsite, it may be a challenge for a trained professional to retrieve much-needed files. What is a little heat? The reality is that not every fire is the same, though all produce heat and smoke.

A small flame, a candle flame, can generate enough heat to be able to affect and even damage a hard drive. Pair this heat with a drive that is incrementally backed up and requires several other drives to restore data and this can be the beginnings of a recipe for disaster for any UK business. One UK business experienced first-hand the mistake of not having data backed up, after customers ordered tickets for events. After setting a backup drive to incremental, this meant that data on the master backup disk was needed to start the retrieval process for the other backup disks that were stored off-site. Did you know even a small fire is hot enough to “melt” any usable data in a hard drive.

Shouldn’t you have a data loss disaster plan in case the unthinkable happens? Have you ever had to have a data specialist recover data lost due to a fire?  We can help recover data lost because of hackers or is erased or a disaster. 

Why small business owners may want to rethink Open SSL options

Data Recovery Specialists
Many small business owners may think their sensitive customer data is safe because they use open-source encryption software. Did you know vulnerabilities in open-source SSL encryption could cause headaches for business owners? How much is cybercrime affecting small businesses? According the UK Federation of Small Businesses, rampant cybercrime may be keeping other small businesses from joining. There may be far more cybercrime than reported because small business owners are not aware they have been hacked.

Still, the problem is deeper than not worrying about data loss or data recovery.  A company’s IT professional may not install patches for programs correctly. IT techs may not aware of the loss in a timely manner. If a company’s software causes a security breach, it can cause the loss of from thousands to millions a year. Businesses lose much more than data. Customers may see a business as a security risk if steps taken do not ensure customer data.  A customer may not have only had personal data stolen; they also may have lost a customer’s trust, loyalty, and devotion.

Why it is best to make employees undergo training

Employee mistakes, according to one software security firm, might cause more data theft and higher numbers of data loss for companies. Employees may accidently delete data. Utilising employee training reduces the number of leaks in a company’s sensitive data because they are not well trained.

Should a company’s IT department insist upon passwords that are longer than eight characters? While it may do little to protect against Heart Bleed, it may help against many viruses that will halt company operations, cause the loss of sales, and income from productivity. If employees understand how vital company procedures, policies, and rules are for protecting data loss, they may help keep data loss down. It may also help employees understand why data needs protecting.

Lax attitudes about data recovery have contributed to losses. Here is a look at why data loss cannot be ignored or shrugged off.

  • According to the software security company, AVG, 43 to 53% of employees were more concerned with tidying their desks than protecting data and put more into changing passwords.
  • Only 18% of businesses have confidence that data protection laws are enough to keep data safe.                           
  • Though 41% of businesses represented in the survey felt the new data laws were enough to keep Brits safe, another 69% of UK businesses admitted to being ready if a breach did occur.
  • Only 13% of UK customers are demanding transparency of where data is stored, as companies are recognising the need to keep data safe outweighs the need not to know where data is stored.

Why it may be best to avoid roaming profiles in favour of a local Account

Mac Hard Drive Recovery
Why is it better for computer users to stick with a local account instead of a roaming profile? Did you know that you may be opening yourself up to hackers by having a roaming profile?  A local profile is one that is stored on your computer, as opposed to a roaming profile that can be used on your computer and also be downloaded onto a second computer. This can leave holes in any profile, putting your computer and sensitive data at risk of hackers.

Why is it best to keep your local profile instead of switching it to a roaming account? Switching to a roaming profile may expose your computer to hackers and widen the possibility that you will need data recovery and a professional to fix damage. Your user files may be under the user directory, but it may be easy for a hacker to change files on your computer. By changing user files, a hacker can put your user registry into the user profile.

Why should you beware of a roaming Profile?

Once a hacker has the opportunity to move a user registry into a user profile, you will not be able to find the altered files to wipe your computer clean and keep a hacker from taking over your computer. This is why a roaming profile may be best for a corporation.  The roaming profile can be stored on a central server and files can be downloaded onto employee’s computer. Once an employee logs off their computer, the files are sent back to a centralized server.

Here are some other reasons you might want to reconsider a roaming profile on your computer, especially if you are the only one using your computer.

  • You may lose your authoritativeness as an Administrator on your own computer. A hacker can set up an administrative account on another computer and make changes. If a hacker has taken over your computer and it make keep your from making changes to your own machine A hacker simply changes back the changes that you make. 
  • If a local profile is newer than a master file on a server, changes may be lost. If a hacker has taken over your computer, you both may be using different versions of the same programs. This may confuse your computer constantly switching between the same programs.

Can you think of a better reason why you should use a local profile? Isn’t it nice to know that you still have options if your computer is overtaken by hackers? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more.

UK businesses are teaming up to reduce data losses and the need for data Recovery

Recover Hard Drive Data
Forty-five small businesses have banded together to accomplish one goal: stop cybercrime. It is no secret that hackers have increasingly switched their targets from larger corporations to smaller businesses. Forty-two percent of small business owners have reported hackers have stolen sensitive data and caused the need for owners to update their security measures and send hard drives to a data recovery centre to recover lost files. But can your business afford to be out of business for two days because of hackers or lose hundreds of pounds an hour because of cybercrime.

How big of a problem are hackers? Cybercrime cost thousands of pounds a day for many business owners. According to the Guardian, cybercrime is up10 percent from last year and Parliament and the Houses determined small businesses needed assistance fighting cybercrime. Did you know that the UK government has issued a £5,000 Invocation Voucher to help smaller businesses hire outside IT assistance. But how big is the problem of cybercrime?

Is cyber hacking a ‘Top 5’ threat in the UK?

Who knew that cyber hacking would become so popular? According to reports, cybercrime ranks as one of the top threats to national security. It is ranked above the threat of a nuclear attack on Great Britain. With much at stake, one UK business has developed software that they want to use besides on-the-job training. Why use a computer game to thwart hackers? Using a computer game makes the subject of hacking and the need for security needed. It has possibly made the subject more hands-on for small businesses that do not know where to begin when discussing cybercrime. Has this helped small business owners understand the importance of having security measures in place?

One security analyst developed a virtual computer and recorded the changes as he allowed hackers to make changes to a computer and recorded those changes. His experiment was launched to help companies see how important security is for companies with networks and companies without a dedicated IT support staff. He wanted to highlight why having security to protect against data loss was important. Did you know data loss prevention is cheaper than paying a trained professional to assist in data loss recovery?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Seniors may need help diagnosing the Problem

External Hard Drive Recovery
Senior citizens who are new computer users may not fully understand what causes computer loss or why their external hard drive needs data recovery. They may not realise simply dropping a hard drive can cause the need for damaged hard drive recovery. Here are some ways that computers, even laptops can fail.
  • Laptop notebook will not turn on.
  • The C and/or D Drive are inaccessible.
  • There is corrupted data.
  • Hard disk drive component fails or the entire drive itself fails.
  • Hard disk crashes.
  • Liquid or fire damages a hard drive.
  • Media surface is contaminated or damaged.
  • Accidentally formatting a drive or accidentally losing data.
A hard drive may have failed if there are clicking sounds and spinning that starts and stops, but nothing appears on the screen. Many senior citizens may not realise that a hard drive may not necessarily be made by the same manufacturer as the computer. This is why if a hard drive fails, it is better to contact a professional to perform external hard drive data recovery or damaged hard drive recovery. Did you know that each hard drive may be made differently and it is better to let a professional touch a failed hard drive needing recovery? There is less opportunity for an inexperienced computer owner from being electrocuted.

Senior citizens may need a professional if their computer shows the following signs:
  • Backup data is not being recognised by the database engine.
  • Data is locked as a ‘suspect’ is preventing a computer user from accessing a drive, account, etc.
  • There are delayed or dropped tables.
  • There are corrupted database files or devices.
  • Damaged individual data pages
  • Accidentally overwritten database files or devices.
Data loss can occur because data is stored incorrectly or stored for longer than it should. Storing data longer than it should be may cause the data to start degrading and could affect other data around the data that has started degrading. This is why it is best for senior citizens to try no diagnosing their own computer programs and call a professional if they recognise any of the warning signs of a hard drive that is failing.

Why Raid system is best and offers the best Protection

Mac Hard Drive Recovery
Which Raid system is the best for your business? Raid systems offer businesses space for storing much needed data, but Raid isn’t without its problems. Many business owners do not know which Raid system to choose. Raid 1 systems to Raid 10 systems offer between two and four drives that business owners can use to store data. Which Raid system is the best and won’t be as likely to fail as another Raid system so that businesses won’t be as likely to need external hard drive data recovery?

Though Raid has changed considerably in 20 years, the core concept of protecting drives has remained the same. Though Raid space has been evolving, it has not changed the general purpose or need for laptop hard drive recovery or protecting data before Mac hard drive recovery is needed. Changes have been made in the amount of striping is done and parity of different strengths of Raid systems.

More businesses using Raid 6 to recover Data

Businesses, large and small, have switched from other lower Raid systems to Raid 6. Raid 6 offers greater parity and can still function even when two drives fail. Raid 5 has faults that Raid 6 does not and many vendors are no longer offering support for Raid 5 systems, in favour of new Raid solutions. This doesn’t mean Raid 6 cannot have faults and a business will not ever need external hard drive data recovery or Mac hard drive recovery.

What changes will Raid systems undergo? Some experts point to newer Raid systems becoming more application specific. For example, Oracle has its own Raid system that does its own software-based mirroring for data protection and doesn’t require any hardware. While a Raid app may not emphasize any data app specifically, a specific app will be needed so a Raid 6 system can operate correctly. This is why Raid 6 may be more app specific and could pose challenges if laptop hard drive recovery is needed or external hard drive data recovery is needed to retrieve sensitive data.

Five ways not ‘de-clouding' can cause more you more in data Recovery Costs

Raid Data Recovery
In a world where businesses are looking for faster options to connect with clients, better solutions to solve computer processing speed problems, etc., it is no surprise business owners do not give the need for Raid 5 data recovery a second thought or set aside a budget for laptop hard drive recovery or external hard drive data recovery. By following these five tips, you can keep your data safe so you will not need Raid 5 or external hard drive data recovery soon.
  • Be aware of what it means to store data in the Cloud. The Cloud will not necessarily help you keep your data safe and secure. If you use the cloud, you still give a third-party access to your personal information. If your data is stored in the cloud, you may not be able to retrieve it easily and there is no way to index data in a cloud, this may make it difficult to do data recovery, when needed. This is why it is best to stick with your personal hard drive. If you need laptop hard drive recovery, you know who has access to your data. In a cloud, your data may be accessed by a third party and you may never know.
  • Use a traditional email provider - You do not have to worry about a traditional email provider putting your sensitive messages in the cloud. If your email messages are in a cloud, this means other people can track the messages that you send. It is better to store email on a hard drive. This way if a Raid server fails, it is to perform Raid 5 data recovery.
  • Use an encrypted USB flash Drive - This keeps hackers from easily reading your important messages to business clients or having access to sensitive company data by accessing an external hard drive. External hard drive data recovery may be needed if a hard drive is hacked. However, with an encrypted flash drive, it makes it harder for a hacker to steal personal information. It also means you do not have to worry as much about needed laptop hard drive recovery.
  • Use a traditional Word processor - Did you know you cannot be tracked on Microsoft Word as easily if you aren’t sending your most sensitive documents via Google Docs? This is why it is better to use applications that allow you to stay offline more.
  • Avoid posting photos to Flickr or Instagram.  It may help you keep from needing Raid 5 data recovery if several drives on your Raid server are accessed.
Shouldn’t you have a data loss disaster plan in case the unthinkable happens? Have you ever had to have a data specialist recover data lost due to a fire?  We can help recover data lost because of hackers or is erased or a disaster. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. 

Specialists read between the lines: Raid Error Controllers may degrade performance of Raid Systems

Mac Hard Drive Recovery
Computers are complex machines that may lend themselves to developing Raid errors that a beginner may not be able to resolve. Why trust an expert to perform your Mac hard drive recovery or external hard drive recovery? Here may be some of the less likely reasons you may not realize can cause a Raid system to fail.

Wrong setting in Error Recovery

The wrong setting when you are trying to set a Raid system for Raid Error Control can quickly degrade the integrity of a Raid system. If a Raid controller is given too much time to handle a problem, it may cause a Raid system to time out when it comes to identifying the error. If the Raid system is malfunctioning, it may not be able to correctly map data in order to recover hard drive data. These problems are not problems the average computer user who isn’t familiar with external hard drive recovery would be able to perform alone.

Have you erased lines of code on a Raid system which affect vital operations of a Raid system? It may take Mac hard drive recovery to get your hard drive into a usable system, re-synchronized and re-built. What if the hard drive fails because of an error related to a parity. Did you know these types of errors may degrade the performance of a hard drive used for a Raid system?

Errors that affect parity cannot be solved without an Expert

Formatting an external hard drive will not lead to external hard drive recovery without fixing the problem first. Did you know that a parity error can affect the performance of any Raid system? Once one hard drive fails because of this, other hard drives can fail. It is for this reason why business owners should seek out a specialist to recover their hard drive data. These errors cannot be ignored because they affect the ability to read and write to any hard drive. Without being able to properly read and write data being presented Mac hard drive recovery is needed before business owners can use their Raid systems.

Why call an expert for Raid errors? Many business owners who use Raid may not know how to bring a Raid system off-line to evaluate errors and be able to fix whatever errors are identified. Without experience to fix errors, business owners may not be able to recover hard disk data and cause more harm to a hard drive than good. Mac hard drive recovery or external hard drive recovery shouldn’t be attempted unless you know how to read the error messages the computer is sending.

Shouldn’t you have a data loss disaster plan in case the unthinkable happens? Have you ever had to have a data specialist recover data lost due to a fire?  We can help recover data lost because of hackers or is erased or a disaster. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more.

Lack of safe storage, organisation, and ignorance increase risks for data Loss

External Hard Drive Recovery
An independent study has found small businesses are using USB flash drives and CDs to back up company data. These devices may be fine for the average homeowner with little data to copy but may increase data losses for small and medium companies in the UK. What is wrong with using cheaper storage solutions to back up data? Many IT professionals are choosing devices which are too sensitive to protect day-to-day operations of their company and allowing data to be lost more easily.

Nearly 90% of business officials participating recognised how damaging this would be to their business, but 62% were still backing up critical files to an external hard drive instead of a networked NAS device leaves the company more vulnerable to data loss and hacking. Many businesses said they know securing data properly is important, but they use consumer methods that may not provide redundant drives to secure critical data. Beyond this, too many employees may have access to critical files. These files are being stored on devices that fail too easily.

IT managers unable to find data increases opportunity for Losses

It isn’t only incorrectly saving data that is a problem. IT managers admit that some of their files are managed by a third-party in the cloud and these files cannot be found once inside. Up to 74% of businesses participating in the survey had no tracking method of locating files in a cloud. Files in a cloud are supposed to be safe from hackers, so why does it matter if so many senior management staff don’t know where their data is?

Using cloud service isn’t a fool proof method for keeping sensitive data safe. Files can still be lost, misplaced, accessed by unknown individuals, or leave the company with a former employee. Considering the penalties for UK businesses who do not comply with new data privacy regulations, data organisation should be made more of a priority.

Can you think of a better reason why you should not get anti-malware or a virus protection program to protect your computer? Isn’t it nice to know that you still have options if your computer is overtaken by hackers? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased.

Best ways a small business can keep their data safe using password Protection

Data Recovery Aberdeen
With a record number of data losses across the UK and the world in the past two years, UK companies are looking for ways to keep their data secure. The country’s new data privacy laws put small businesses on the hook for losing customer’s personal data. What are ways small businesses can look into affordable data encryption service without finding solutions which they cannot afford to take?

Though it is best to avoid WPA-PSK because it is too easy for thieves to crack and also your password is not likely to stay a secret for long, small businesses may want to consider a using a WPA2 Enterprise encryption solution. It is safer than a WPA, which can be easily cracked and it also allows employees access to the network without worry someone will accidentally reveal the passkey.

Long, but Secure

With a WPA2 Enterprise encryption solution, the code which gives an individual employee is long. It is also updated regularly. By having this kind of solution, small businesses are protected against snoopers who may try to steal vital company information. An encryption solution makes it difficult (and more likely impossible) for someone to crack a security code.

Is a WPA Enterprise solution Better?

Unlike other encryption solutions, this one does not leave employees with a passkey to remember. It may be more secure than other solutions because of this fact.  It may help IT professionals save time because they do not have to change keys as often.

Traditionally, this option required business owners and professional IT teams to purchase a Radius server and other components. For many smaller businesses, this type of protection may be more expensive than they can afford. It also may be impractical for smaller businesses because many do not have dedicated IT teams to fix problems when they occur with a Radius server. More than likely, a third-party vendor would have the need to retrieve data when lost and fix problems. Most small business owners do not have the capital needed to maintain or justify getting a Radius server. Small business owners may save money skipping the traditional route of getting a Radius server and going with third-party vendors from the start. What is the best option for a smaller business?

Have you ever completed a cost analysis in order to find the best options for your small business? What experiences have you had using a WPA encryption solution or WPA2 encryption solution? We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more.

Monday, December 22, 2014

How Bristol Data Recovery Can Retrieve Data from HP P4000 & P4500?

Data Recovery Services
At Bristol Data Recovery our engineers have developed a process by which the information that once would have been considered unrecoverable on the ‘nodes’ of the P4000 and P4500 storage servers can now be retrieved and recovered to other media.

This is something that Hewlett Packard, as an entity, has previously said was impossible to do and have stated quiet categorically that these devices are non-recoverable.  Our engineers here at Bristol Data Recovery are proud to be able to say that in this instance we have taken the manufacturer’s words and turned them on their head.

The P4000 and P4500 SANs (Storage Area Networks) were designed by HP and released into the marketplace during 2008 and since then have been used in many large enterprises and organisations who require access to huge amounts of information at a less than a moment’s notice. These SANs (Storage Area Networks) work on a principle not dissimilar to RAID (Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks) in how they store information but very different in how they access it. SANs work on the method of combining a series of storage ‘Nodes’ rather than operating a series of hard drives that function under the auspices of a controller card. These ‘Nodes’ are usually iSCSI.

At Bristol Data Recovery our engineers have been called upon to help clients who have had difficulty with said ‘Nodes’ and have been told by the manufacturer that the data on them has been effectively lost because there is no way of recovering it.

Our team of engineers have developed a process whereby the drives can effectively be reverse engineered using computer forensic techniques that allow us to access the ‘Nodes’ themselves without having to have the whole rack-mounted setup or case-encased system delivered to our data recovery centre. We simply require the ‘Nodes’ (drives if you like?) which we can then work from to create a reversely engineered image that allows us to recover your data and reconstitute it to a new media of your choice.

A common problem we have encountered is the corruption of what is known as LUN (Logical Unit Number) which can be either a subsection of a physical drive or the entire drive depending on how it has been setup initially. If problems occur with the LUN then it may be the drive (if used in its entirety) is no longer accessible because the array will not recognise it; thus leaving you unable to access the data on said drive. This is where the manufacturers of the P4000 and P4500 have stated that the drive is no longer usable and/or recoverable and has left many organisations and businesses struggling to reconstitute information from other sources such as old hard copy etc.

If you have suffered problems with either your P4000 or P4500 series Left-hand SAN then all hope is not lost. Our engineers here at Bristol Data Recovery are available to speak to Monday-Friday 9am to 6pm and are on hand to answer your queries regarding the reasons why your SAN setup has failed and how we can help recover the information from a setup that its own creators have deemed is impossible to do.

Whilst we hope you never encounter such problems we are here to help and can offer you a variety of recovery options depending on your budget and timescale for recovery. Call us today on 0117 3321137 for more information.

It is time to call a pro if unreadable errors pop up and Mac hard drive recovery is needed

Raid 5 Data Recovery
Raid 5 systems can fail, no matter how much the manufacturers try to anticipate problems with any Raid system. You may eventually need Raid 5 data recovery because Raid systems fail for a number of reasons. Dust infiltrating a Raid system may cause scratches on the system’s ability to read disks. Raid arrays can fail after technicians accidently forget to add a line of text that tells Raid 5 array systems where to look to find specific bits of information.

Why call a pro to handle Raid 5 data recovery options? Businesses may have a greater opportunity to restore data lost from hard drive failures. Is it a good idea to keep data on an external drive as a back-up? You might not be able to do data recovery from an external hard drive if the magnetic heads on the hard drive are failing.

Why Raid 5 systems don’t fail as much as reported

Some Raid users may paint a bleak picture of what may happen if you are using Raid 5 and may urge Raid users using 5 to keep important data on another hard drive as a backup. However, some Raid 5 users may not need to rely on this Mac hard drive recovery as much as predicted. This is because some writers count soft read errors into the reasons why businesses should switch Raid systems and keep files on an external hard drive, as well. The truth is that any Raid system can fail, no matter how prepared an IT professional is.

Counting soft error rates can be dangerous because they aren’t a true representation of the number of times a Raid system does fail. Most Raid 5 or any Raid system has an Error Correcting Code that is in the hard drives. The likelihood of not recovering because a few bits of information are unreadable is very small.

Failing drive isn’t likely to doom Raid system or cause huge data Losses

Did you know that the more drives you have connected to a Raid array, in theory, boost the chances that you will be able to recovery from a Raid 5 drive failure? A single failing drive more than likely will not cause your Raid 5 system to stop operating, though it may lower a company’s defences on a Raid system until all drives are operating properly. It also does not necessarily mean you need Mac hard drive recovery or should panic that you need data recovery.

Isn’t it nice to an IT specialist to consult with? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at: bristoldatarecovery.co.uk

Why a professional needs to repair accidentally formatted or damaged hard Drives

Mac Hard Disk Recovery
It may seem easy to format that hard drive, but it may be best to let a professional handle an accidently formatted hard drive because formatted hard drive recovery is trickier than it may seem initially. Reformatting an already formatted hard drive won’t necessarily net you any data. In some cases, it can cause a hard drive to completely stop functioning; it is best to let a professional perform the mac hard disk recovery or formatted hard drive recovery, if needed.

What happens when a hard drive is formatted? There are different types of formatting, such as a quick format vs. a standard format. When you push the button to format a hard drive, the computer’s operating system erases all bookkeeping equipment on a drive and tests the formatted sections to make sure all sectors are good. It marks bad sectors and creates hard disk internal tables to store such information.

Dropped hard drive will not work by simply Shaking

You may have seen the advice online that said to shake a hard disk drive if it has been dropped, but never do this to a damaged hard drive. It will not help towards mac hard disk recovery and make a hard drive start working again. Why is it not best to shake that Mac hard drive if you know it may need a professional who has worked with a drive to remove a virus?

Shaking will not help a dropped drive, except possibly temporarily. Jarring to any hard disk drive can shorten the life of any hard drive. Though you may not be able to tell, dropping a hard drive can cause invisible damage. If trying to recover file from any Mac hard drive that has been dropped, it is best to have a professional perform a Mac hard disk recovery because a hard drive may develop small cracks after being dropped that cannot be seen. Magnetic heads and platters can be damaged from being dropped. It is best to let a professional get a damaged hard drive working again because they have training to avoid damaging a hard drive further.

Isn’t it nice to know if a damaged hard drive is taken to a professional, they can try to retrieve the data that untrained hands may not be able to get off a computer’s hard drive? Have you ever damaged a hard drive by accident? Isn’t it nice to an IT specialist to consult with? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at: bristoldatarecovery.co.uk

Too hot: Why a fire damages an External hard disk Drive

Damaged Hard Drive Recovery
Fire can cause extensive damage to a hard disk drive and may cause damage a homeowner won’t necessarily see. It can cause platters to prematurely wear out and contaminate an external hard drive so that it will not work properly afterwards. How can a fire damage your hard drive and cause a homeowner to need external HDD data recovery or damaged hard drive recovery? What if a computer has only been around smoke? It may be hard to determine if laptop hard disk recovery is needed without letting a trained professional view a smoke compromised hard drive.

Small fires can produce enough heat to damage a hard drive without difficult.  The heat causes the metal in the platters and other components to expand when heated. It can warp the small precise parts that read and write data to a hard drive. If a hard drive is not warped from heat a professional may be able to perform laptop hard disk recovery or external HDD data recovery.

Why a little smoke damage is cause for Concern 

Did you know the drive heads are only a few inches from where a computer stores valuable data? Any changes in hard drive hardware may make it difficult to access information off a compromised or damaged hard drive and may require a professional to perform damaged hard drive recovery or laptop hard disk recovery. Why is the smoke damaging? Smoke can contain soot and other contaminants that can cause a hard drive to oxidize and corrode.  This is why smoke is a danger to a hard disk drive and can compromise data.

A hard drive platter can spin at between 5,200 RPM and 15,000 RPM and any hardware changes can affect the platter’s ability to read and write music.  Particles from the soot can interfere with a hard drive’s ability to process data and can cause scratching on a platter.  A few scratches may not harm a hard drive, but if there is too much debris, it can cause extensive scorching to a hard disk drive and computer users will need a professional to retrieve external hard disk drive recovery.

How has a devastating fire affected your life? Isn’t it nice to an IT specialist to consult with? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at: bristoldatarecovery.co.uk

Raid 6 vs Raid 10: What UK businesses need to know before they Switch

Raid Data Recovery
Should UK IT professionals keep using Raid 6 or is it better to switch to Raid 10? Which version is less likely to fail? Is it better to use Raid 6 because it has dual parity or should companies opt to keep using Raid 10 because it can be mirrored and provides plenty of data storage? Before companies may a decision on which Raid system they will use, here are the facts about Raid 6 and Raid 10.
  • Raid 6 offers greater data storage capacity. Raid 10 mirrors data and this requires that a Raid 10 system use additional data storage and also double the amount of data written to a hard drive. By contrast, a Raid 6 array uses 50 percent of the data disk space. The storage space also can increase if more disk drives are added.
  • Raid 6 does require more processing power because it makes two calculations per one write operation. Could this also mean that you may need Mac hard drive recovery less with this type of Raid?
  • Raid 6 can always protect against two driver fails simultaneously. Did you know that Raid 10 may not be able provide such protection and may cause a business to need data recovery from an external hard drive? External hard disk drives can fail causing the need for external hard disk recovery. Raid 10 may not always be able to protect if two drives fail, depending on where the failure is. If a Raid 10 system fails on the same drives, using the same mirrors within the rebuilt window, Raid 10 may not be the best option,
  • Raid 10 has faster rebuild times. It only has to copy from a surviving mirror in order to rebuild a drive. Did you know it can take roughly 30 minutes with a Raid 10 system, but it can take significantly longer with Raid 6 because it must use parity calculations? Since Raid 6 takes longer to rebuild, it may not be the best Raid solution to use if external hard disk recovery is needed or Mac hard disk recovery is needed. Did you know that data recovery from an external hard drive can take more than 12 hours with a larger size Raid array?
Isn’t it nice to an IT specialist to consult with before buying a Raid system? Did you know any Raid system can fail? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at: bristoldatarecovery.co.uk

Businesses focused on wrong goals may need data recovery Efforts

External Hard Disk Recovery
How can a business cripple their own production, delivery, and cause the need for trained data recovery specialist to recover data off a failed hard disk drive? Bad decisions about outsourcing may cause up to two-thirds of the data breaches in 2013. The Security Firm, Trustwave investigated 450 global database breaches and found that a third-party was responsible for the IT support system administration in 63 percent of the cases. What caused the breach in some cases? Investigators discovered a third-party IT system support “expert” introduced introduction deficiencies. Hackers used those to their advantage and managed, in some cases, to steal sensitive data.

Why conclusions can be made as a result of Trustwave’s investigation? Here is what we have learned:

  • While it is not necessarily right to think all outsourcing is bad, it may be a strong indication that the organisation involved has made some bad IT outsourcing decisions.
  • As a general rule, those organisations which are breached may not be doing all they can to ensure data is protected. Those third parties that companies work with may not provide adequate protection to ensure there are no data breaches. Sometimes, third parties do not care as deeply about the breaches.
  • How can IT professionals ensure they have a good third-party to protect their sensitive data?
  • When working with a third party, costs and service level agreements may be discussed. But, rarely do parties discuss security measures and what happens if one or either party suffers a data loss and needs external hard drive data recovery or internal hard drive data recovery. 
What can companies and organisations do to keep their data truly safe and not just have a data loss recovery plan which looks good on paper? The first step may be to stop trusting those third-party securities IT specialist as much or as deeply. Many small business owners may not have the IT knowledge needed to discern if a third-party is following all security requirements or what requirements are needed to avoid a data breach. However, merchants should choose experts for third-party IT specialists who are knowledgeable about security measures and trustworthy.  If businesses actively know the risks that working with their third-party suppliers posed, they may be better able to decrease the risks.

Isn’t it nice to an IT specialist to consult with? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at: bristoldatarecovery.co.uk

Why data recovery may be more important to small business Owners

HDD Data Recovery UK
Some business owners may be right to worry that their weak passwords and third-party plug-ins could be the cause of a security breach.  Can any small business owner afford to be relaxed about backing up their data or not having a strong data recovery plan? Systems used for data recovery, such as a Raid system, can be hacked. No security system is 100 percent safe.  In 2012, cybercrime against small businesses increased 54 percent. How do you know that tools on your security system or common vulnerabilities on your business computer aren’t a calling card to hackers? Eight-five percent of business owners reported this is how hackers carried out their attacks on their accounts.

Business owners may think they cannot afford good security equipment, but not getting proper equipment may cause business to pay more for data recovery. What other reasons can lead to a security breach. Even if business owners opt for cheaper security measures, they may be opening themselves to have their most sensitive data hacked. Cheaper security systems can be static.  They may not be equipped to handle the ever-changing hackers who come up with new tricks to outsmart unsuspecting computer users.

Are online businesses an easier Target?

Startup Britain reported 500,000 new businesses were started in 2013. Small businesses may be an easier target because business owners have limited budgets; they lack resources or security systems to effectively protect their startups and established businesses. They do not have the IT professionals to fix problems before small businesses see their data compromised or stolen.

What are the best ways small business owners can protect their data from hackers online attacks?  Did you know being proactive with your computer data may be the best way to protect sensitive data?

  • Install a firewall. Firewalls prevent hackers from finding a hole in your security system. Is it worth paying for a professional firewall and having an expert install it? It may be worth the cost because it may be cheaper than having to pay for data recovery following a cyber-attack.
  • Use a strong password. Passwords are essential for small business owners to keep sensitive customer data safe. Passwords that use a combination of letters and numbers are going to be stronger and help keep your computer data safe.
  • Don’t allow a computer program or a browser to store your passwords.
  • Use anti-virus and anti-malware software to protect your customer data.  By having an anti-malware program, this may save you from having your computer compromised .A hacker’s can send malware and corrupted data to your computer.
  • Review server logs and block suspicious IP addresses.
  • Business owners and webmasters should regularly check outbound links on a server.
  • Back up your data regularly and change your password from often. This will keep hackers from being able to guess your password and hack into your system. This may be essential in case your data is stolen and your system is attacked. 

Have you ever had to pay someone to recover hard drive files after your computer encountered a virus? Do you know that fake donation letter from that aunt you don’t know may be harbouring a virus instead? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at: bristoldatarecovery.co.uk

Verifying backups: What to look for before seeking a pro to recover Data

UK residents may download software several times a week, but how do they know what they are getting? How can you tell if a download is safe and another is corrupted and will cause your computer to become infected with a virus? Using a reputable website can help keep the data inside your computer safe. Did you know more than a million users use the social media website, Facebook and post updates to their websites. However, how can users keep their sensitive data safe after they download apps for their Facebook profile or upload their status?

Facebook has started reminding people that they are posting publicly they post to a blog. A simple reminder may help users think about what they are doing. A reminder may be enough to convince people to be careful when they are downloading or uploading data. Why download an app or upload a status to Facebook? The nice thing is that UK residents have the power to choose.

How to know if a download is Safe

Some antivirus programs have special add-ons that will protect your sensitive data stored on a network or individual computer. Did you know some of these programs have additional browsers that can be installed? Some of these browsers can alert users to unsafe websites. The best way to safeguard computer files is to only download apps and files from reputable sources that have trusted ratings.

Some apps or files may be named something different than what they are. Creators of these apps and files only have one purpose for misleading users with a title -- to hack into your computer! Some of these programs are designed to catch you off-guard. Should you download apps and music off of free websites? Be careful, as sometimes these websites can become infected. Download that free music or game and then your computer is infected.

Being proactive saves money and valuable computer Files

UK computers are easy targets for hackers. Did you know in a single day, more than 500 computers are infected and hacked? It is best only download a program from sources you know. It is easier to be proactive about malicious downloads and apps than having to pay a data recovery specialist to recover the data changed and lost through hacking, a virus, and an infected program.

It may be useful to seek the services of a data loss recovery specialists isn't it nice to an IT specialist to consult with? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at: bristoldatarecovery.co.uk

Too big to ignore: Why UK businesses suffer higher data losses than before

On the surface, the 21 percent of UK businesses reporting data loss doesn’t seem like a bad number. However, it is quite likely that 21 percent actually was unreported and less than the national average? It is happening in the UK, as many businesses suffer a data loss and do not even bother to report it. Many business owners may not be aware of the data loss until months later. Could hackers and viruses running undetected affect daily operations, sensitive data, and make up for reporosses?

While 45 percent of UK businesses admitted to having more downtime than planned, numbers may not accurately reflect why data loss is a bigger problem for UK businesses than previously thought. What can UK businesses do to curb the amount of data lost and lessen the monetary blow below the current rate?

Update software and apply patches more freely

What are the best practices UK businesses can follow and keep from losing data?
  • Don’t leave a hole in the Network. Some senior IT analysts may work overtime protecting a company’s valuable trade secrets and network of computers. However, they may be so busy they neglect to download and install patches and new versions of software when they are available. Outdated software means companies are more open attacks.
  • Time for training. Did you know many IT professionals have a general lack of confidence in many UK organisations? They do not think the organisations can meet critical IT requirements needed to build better security measures, availability recovery and backup systems of support. Training may better help IT management and company employees to connect and better understand the UK’s new data regulations.
  • Be vigilant.  Hackers can easily inject a computer without too many signs. UK businesses may best protect themselves by being ready to disarm and send a hacker elsewhere with the updates helps keep a company server safe from viruses and data loss.
It may be useful to seek the services of a Data Loss Recovery Specialists isn't it nice to an IT specialist to consult with? We can help recover data lost because of hackers or simply erased. We recover data from hard drives, Memory sticks, Raid systems and more. At Bristol Data Recovery, we also offer our 15 years of experience in many other data recovery services so that your documents stored on Raid arrays and your sensitive data, and more is safe. To see how our services can help your business, visit us at: bristoldatarecovery.co.uk