Thursday, January 1, 2015

How much is lost data worth if businesses need professional data Recovery?

Hard Drive Data Recovery UK
Many IT professionals and business owners may not realise professional data recovery may cost them more than £38 an hour for a professional outside the company to retrieve data. Some companies use a flat rate, £250, for example. What does this really mean when a company loses data? In roughly 17 percent of cases, that data may not be retrievable. Did you know flood and fire damage pose the most problems for being able to retrieve 100 percent of the data lost? However, that £250, for example may not cover the real cost of the data lost?

Companies may fail to figure in the actual cost and what it means for their business. If data is lost, companies may have to take time away from projects to gather new data to replace lost data. New records may need to be created, if possible. However, re-keying may not work in every instance and companies sometimes do not estimate all their losses: lost production time, time spent recreating information, technically losses due to a computer going down and needing hard drive data recovery in the UK or all computers in a network going down. If the loss was £340 for the information lost and £250 for the recovery, the true cost of the data lost would be closer to £4,000 for a single instance. Hard disk recovery in the UK is much more expensive if the loss affects a network, as some companies have estimated their losses at more than £50,000.

Why does losing data cost so Much?

Many companies may not take into account the data is not easily obtainable. Sales records may not be able to be reproduced. Companies may also lose a number of customers because the brand’s credibility takes a hit and customers do not want to remain loyal to a brand they do not feel they can trust. Another reason is simply that all the cost related to hard disk drive recovery in the UK is not counted when professional data recovery is needed. Many times, a company may fail to estimate the cost of the hard disk recovery in the UK because they do not include the hardware parts they may need for a hard drive or what they need to fix a software problem.

This makes the cost of a professional doing professional data recovery extremely difficult to figure. It also may underestimate how deeply a data loss may affect a company. This may explain why one out of every five businesses struggles to make it more than five years past opening and many do not even make it a year. 

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